Holy PRETERM LABOR Batman!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010
Well, we made it home last night after a very long trip, and went to see Dr. Marks early this morning. I contracted through the night, so when he came in to talk to me I asked him to check me and let me know that the baby was OK. I was NOT prepared for the news he gave me! I was dilated 1cm, 40% effaced. Gotta stay off my feet and take Breathine 4-8x per day to stop contractions. I'm only 31 weeks!!! Eeeeekkk! Stay in baby boy! Stay in!!!!!

I thought after talking with the doc we'd go straight home, but today is David's birthday, too. We went to a movie and then to Doe's for steaks. By the time we got home I was exhausted. I know it wasn't an ideal birthday for David. I hate that...

I started the Brethine while we were in Little Rock, but the full effect of it didn't hit me until tonight. I literally feel like bugs are crawling all over me! It is INSANE! It is crazy to think I have nine more weeks of this...