The Stocking Party!

Friday, January 1, 2010
I have been meaning to post some Christmas stories and pictures for a long time, but with all of the stuff going on I just haven't found time! Here goes!

We started off our Christmas with our annual Stocking Stuffer party. It was loads of fun, but two VERY important people were missing! Alyssa and Chris got to come home for Thanksgiving, but weren't able to make it for Christmas. They were sorely missed! We made some videos for Alyssa which, of course, just made her cry! We wanted her to know how much we missed her, though.

Even though Chris and Alyssa couldn't join us for Christmas, they were in our hearts. The Stocking Stuffer party was a success. We had a houseful of people and lots of good food. We all got some great stuff in our stockings and had a lot of fun.