On Saturday we went to the Air & Space Museum. It was really cool. We got to see an indoor kite flying demonstration, which was awesome, and we rode in a flight simulator, which was totally lame. The next time we go we'll definitely pick the simulator where you get to be the pilot, not the one where you're just along for the ride.
Sunday was a fun day for Mom and me. We went to a flea market in Georgetown. They had lots of cool stuff. I picked up one UGLY figurine so I could show Mom and almost died when I saw the price tag... $950!!! Needless to say, I didn't pick up anything else!
That afternoon we went to a US Marine band concert. They were pretty incredible. It was amazing how good they sounded. When they played "The Star Spangled Banner" it brought tears to my eyes.
David took the girls to the Natural History Museum to see some dinosaurs and the Hope diamond, then to the ESPN Zone for fattening food and video games. Katie had a ball.
On Monday we went to lunch at Ben's Chili Bowl. It's a Washington DC "must see". Check out their website: http://www.benschilibowl.com/. That place was history in motion, and the chili was good, too! We also did a little shopping at Union Station that day, too, and spent far too much money on Godiva chocolate. Yum!

That night David, Alyssa, Pete (one of David's coworkers) and I went to a restaurant called The Tombs. Mom took the kids to the hotel pool. It was fun. Kind of a bar type atmosphere. After dinner Pete, who is a DC native, took us on a moonlight tour of the capitol city. It was amazing, especially the World War II memorial. I want to go back and see that monument up close. At night it's all lit up. Beautiful.

Tuesday was a good day. We went to the National Cathedral. WOW... It was HUGE! There were so many little prayer rooms and mysterious looking staircases. I loved it! We looked at a few of the gargoyles, too, but we didn't have any binoculars, so they were hard to see from the ground. The interior of the cathedral is ten stories high, so they were pretty far up there. After we went to the cathedral we headed to the National Zoo. It was a beautiful place, but they were closing everything up when we got there. Bummer.

Wednesday we all got up early to catch our flight home. Reese slept from takeoff until almost landing. It was great!
We'll have to make another trip someday. We missed seeing the Capitol, the White House, Arlington Cemetery and a few other things.
If you haven't been to Washington DC make sure to go someday! All of the monuments, museums, etc. are FREE! Their subway system can take you anywhere, and I always felt safe on it. It makes for a cheap vacation!